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  1. A missed period

Missing periods are often the first sign that a woman is in the early stages. You may be pregnant if you haven’t had your period for more than a week, especially if it is irregular.

  1. Frequent urination

The amount of blood in your body will rise once you have children. You’ll feel more frequently need to urinate as your kidneys try to process the increased volume of liquid.

  1. Swollen or tender breasts

Breast tenderness and sensitivity may increase in early pregnancy hormones. The discomfort is temporary and will usually go away after a few weeks of pregnancy, once your body adjusts to being pregnant.

  1. Fatigue

Your progesterone levels increase when you get pregnant. This can lead to increased sleepiness and fatigue.

  1. Nausea with or without vomiting

In the beginning stages of pregnancy, a rise in hormone levels may cause nausea. Although pregnancy nausea is commonly called “morning sick”, it can also occur at any hour of the day.

  1. Light spot and cramping

When the fertilized egg attaches with the uterine line, light spotting (also known as implantation bleeding) can occur. It can occur between 10 and 14 days after conception. This is around the time you should have your period. You may experience light spotting and cramping that can feel like menstrual cramps.

  1. Bloating

Bloated feeling due to increased hormones can be similar to what you feel during your period.

  1. Mood swings

As hormone levels rise, you might feel more emotional and be more susceptible to mood swings.

  1. Constipation

Constipation can be caused by the increased progesterone levels during pregnancy.

  1. Food allergies and sensitivities

Pregnant women often experience sensitivity to certain smells. It is possible that you have changed your taste preferences for certain foods.

You could be pregnant if you experience any of the signs, but some women conceive without experiencing any of them. You can also experience any of the ten without being pregnant. You can confirm your pregnancy by making an appointment with a provider, usually your gynecologist.

If you feel that you might be pregnant based on the signs and symptoms listed above, you should wait at least one to two days before you take a pregnancy test. Wait a few days to take another pregnancy test if the result is negative. If the test comes back positive, make an appointment with your OB/GYN.

Baptist Health is committed to supporting women at every stage of their journey. You can read our preconception checklist if you are trying to conceive, or thinking about becoming pregnant. Also, if you have an OB/GYN appointment coming up, you will learn how to get the most from your visit.

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