Each woman is unique. Their experiences during pregnancy are also different. Different women may experience different symptoms and signs from one pregnancy to another.
You may not even know you are pregnant, as the early signs of pregnancy can often mirror the symptoms you experience during your menstruation.
Below is a list of common signs and symptoms of early pregnancy. These symptoms can also be caused by other factors, such as being pregnant. The fact that you have some of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant. A pregnancy test is the only way to be certain.
Cramping and Spotting
The fertilized egg attaches to the uterus wall after conception. One of the first signs of pregnancy is spotting or cramping.
This is called implantation bleeding. It can occur anywhere from 6 to 12 days after fertilization.
Some women mistake the cramps for menstrual cramps and mistake the bleeding as the beginning of their period. However, the cramps and bleeding are very mild.
A woman might notice white, milky vaginal discharge. This is due to thickening of the walls of the vagina, which occurs immediately after conception. The discharge is caused by the increased growth of the cells lining your vagina.
The discharge can last throughout your pregnancy and is usually harmless. If you notice a foul odor or itching sensations, consult your doctor. They can determine if you have a yeast infection or bacterial infection.
Breast Changes
Another sign that you are pregnant is a change in your breasts. After conception, hormone levels in a woman’s body rapidly change. Their breasts can become swollen or sore a week later. They may also feel fuller, heavier, or tender to the touch. The areola (area around the nipples) may darken.
Breast changes could also be caused by other factors. If the breast changes are an early sign of pregnancy, it may take several weeks for the body to adjust to the new hormone levels. Breast pain should subside once it does.
It is common to feel tired during pregnancy.
Women can feel unusually tired as soon as they conceive.
Why? Why?
It is important to get enough rest if fatigue is caused by pregnancy. It can be offset by eating foods rich in iron and protein.
Nausea (Morning Sickness)
Morning sickness is a well-known symptom of pregnancy. However, not all pregnant women get it.
Although the exact cause of morning nausea is unknown, it is likely that pregnancy hormones are responsible. You may experience nausea during pregnancy at any time, but it is most common in the morning.
Some women are unable to eat certain foods or crave them when they get pregnant. This is also due to hormonal changes. This can cause a woman to lose her appetite for a food she loved.
The nausea, cravings and food aversions may last throughout the pregnancy. Many women notice a decrease in symptoms around the 13th and 14th weeks of pregnancy.
You can also ensure your baby’s health by eating a healthy diet. Talk to your doctor about this.
Missed Period
Missed periods are the most obvious sign of pregnancy and prompt most women to have a test. Not all missed periods or delayed periods are due to pregnancy.
Women can also experience bleeding during pregnancy. Ask your doctor if you’re pregnant about bleeding. What is the normal range of bleeding? When is it considered an emergency?
You may miss your period for reasons other than pregnancy. It could be that you have gained or lost too many pounds. Other possibilities include hormonal problems, fatigue, stress, and other issues. Women may miss their periods if they stop taking birth-control pills. If your period is not due by the due date and you are concerned about pregnancy, it is worth getting a test.
Pregnancy Symptoms
Your hormonal balance changes during pregnancy. Other symptoms can also be caused by pregnancy, including:
- Frequent urination. This is a common problem for many women after the sixth or eighth week of conception. This could be due to a urinary tract infection or diabetes, but if you are pregnant it is most likely due hormonal levels.
- Constipation. High levels of progesterone during pregnancy can lead to constipation. The hormone progesterone can cause food to move slower through your intestines. Drink lots of water and exercise regularly to alleviate the problem.
- Mood swings are quite common during the first trimester. These mood swings can also be related to hormonal changes.
- Back pain and headaches. Numerous pregnant women experience mild headaches. Others have back pain.
- Dizziness, fainting, and low blood sugar may be caused by dilation of blood vessels, lower blood pressure, or lower blood sugar.
These symptoms could be present in a pregnant woman, but it is possible to have none or a few of them. Talk to your doctor if any of these symptoms are bothersome. Together, you can create a plan for how to alleviate them.