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Facts you should know about pregnancy tests

  • Pregnancy tests detect a hormone in a woman’s urine or blood: hCG (human-chorionic gonadotropin). This hormone is released when an egg implanted into the uterus.
  • There is a choice of two types for pregnancy tests. One uses blood and one uses urine (home test). A quantitative test detects hCG sooner than a qualitative or urine test.
  • Home pregnancy tests usually detect hCG in urine streams after a few minutes. If a line or symbol appears, it means that the test has been positive. Most urine pregnancy test instructions recommend a second test within a few days.
  • Home test are very accurate and sensitive.
  • Home pregnancy test may be positive the first day after a missed period but most detect pregnancy one week later.
  • If you are positive for pregnancy by a home test, call your doctor to schedule an appointment.
  • You can be pregnant even if your home pregnancy test is negative. Wait about a week before you repeat the test. While most medicines and other compounds (alcohol, drugs, etc.) are not harmful to pregnancy tests, some fertility drugs (such as hCG) can cause false results.
  • Discuss any concerns or questions regarding pregnancy tests with your doctor.

When can I take a home pregnancy test at home?

Some home pregnancy tests can be done before your missed period. However, you will get better results if you wait to take the test after your missed period has ended.

The reason is that the amount of the pregnancy hormone called human chorionic Gonadotropin (or hCG) in your urine increases over time. It is more difficult to detect hCG if you wait until the test is over.

When a fertilized egg implants into the uterus, hCG is produced. This happens usually about 10 days after conception (when a woman’s sperm fertilizes her egg span>).

My pregnancy test has confirmed that I am pregnant. What should I do?

Call your doctor if you find out that you are pregnant by a home pregnancy test

A blood test can be used by your doctor to determine if you are pregnant. Prenatal care can be started early on in pregnancy if you see your doctor.

My pregnancy test shows that I am not pregnant. Could I still be pregnant

Yes, you can still be pregnant. You can be pregnant, and a pregnancy test will show you are not.

The accuracy and reliability of home pregnancy tests results can vary from woman to woman.

  • Every woman has a different time she ovulates in her period .
  • A fertilized egg may implant in a woman’s uterus at various times.
  • False-negative results can sometimes be given to women who test too early in their pregnancy. False-negative is when the test states you are not pregnant.
  • Pregnancy problems can impact the urine level of hCG.

You can take another pregnancy test if a test does not indicate that you are pregnant. Your hCG levels should increase by one hour if you are pregnant. If you believe you might be pregnant, consult your doctor.


Most often, the first sign of pregnancy occurs: See Answer.

What happens if my pregnancy test results aren’t positive or negative?

Sometimes, it is difficult to determine if the test was positive or negative. You may notice a faint line or worry about whether you have peed on the stick too often or not enough. You are most likely to be pregnant regardless of how faint or plus signs appear. If the line is faint, it could indicate that you are very early in your pregnancy and that your hCG levels have not yet reached normal levels. The control line on the pregnancy test should also be visible to let you know if the test was performed correctly. If the control line appears blank, it means that the test failed. You should get another one.

What are my considerations when purchasing a pregnancy test?

  • Cost. There are many types of home pregnancy tests. They can be purchased in most stores without a prescription. Prices vary depending on which brand you choose and how many tests are included in each box.
  • Accuracy. The majority of tests can be taken right after your period. Some tests are more expensive and can be taken up to five days before your period. They claim the best accuracy after your period.

What are the various types of pregnancy tests?

Pregnancy tests to check for hCG hormone are done in two ways:

  • Urine test. This type of pregnancy test is available at home or in the office of a doctor.
  • Blood test. This type of pregnancy test is only available at a doctor’s clinic. Although it takes longer to obtain results than a standard urine test, it can detect pregnancy sooner than a normal urine test (10 days after conception), compared to 2 weeks for a typical urine test. One or both of these types of blood tests may be used by your doctor.
    • A quantitative blood test, also known as a beta-hCG test, measures the exact amount of hCG in your blood. It can detect even small amounts of hCG. It can tell your doctor and you how many weeks you have been pregnant.
    • The qualitative hCG blood test is used to determine if the hormone is present. A qualitative hCG blood test can be as accurate as a urine test.

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How can I use a home pregnancy testing?

Written instructions are included with all home pregnancy tests. The instructions can vary depending on which brand you choose.

  • A stick is inserted into your urine stream.
  • Take a pee in a cup, and then dip your stick in it.
  • First, you need to pee in a cup. Then use a dropper with a dropper to pour a few drops into a container.

Although most brands recommend waiting around two minutes, there are a few exceptions. Depending on which brand you are using, you might see a line, a plus symbol, or the words “pregnant” and “not pregnant.” No matter how faint the line or plus symbol may indicate a positive result.

In the result window, most tests have a “control indicator”. This symbol or control line indicates whether the test is functioning properly. The test is not functioning properly if the symbol or control line does not appear.

Find the toll-free number on the package. This will allow you to contact us if you have any questions.

How accurate can home pregnancy tests be?

Home pregnancy tests are said to be accurate up to 99%. However, accuracy is dependent on:

  • How to use them. Follow the instructions and make sure you check the expiration date. To check the results, wait up to 10 minutes. According to research, a delay of 10 minutes is the best time to get the most accurate results.
  • The amount of hCG, or pregnancy hormone, in your urine will increase with time if you use them. It is more difficult to detect hCG if you wait until the test is over. A majority of home pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy even if you miss a period. It is a good idea to test your urine early in the morning to increase accuracy.
  • They are used by who? Every woman has a different period. The fertilized egg may implant in the uterus of a woman at different times. After implantation, your body produces hCG. Up to 10% of women don’t experience implantation until the first day after a missed period. Home pregnancy tests may be accurate up to one day after a missed period, but this is not the case for all women.
  • The type of test. Some home pregnancy tests may be more sensitive than others. Some tests are more sensitive than others in detecting hCG earlier. Discuss with your pharmacist which brand is best for you.


Boost Fertility: Ovulation Calculator and Pregnancy Planning. Slideshow

I have irregular periods. I don’t know when my next period is going to start. What time should I have a pregnancy test taken?

Many pregnancy tests claim that they are the most accurate after missing a period. It can be difficult to predict when the test should be taken because of irregular periods.

Periods considered irregular if they are:

  • The time between periods is less than 21 days and longer than 35 days.
  • Each month has a different number of days. Your cycle might be for 22 days in one month, and 33 the next.

You can count 36 days from your last period or four weeks from the time you had sex. If you’re pregnant, your levels should be high enough for you to recognize it.

Wait a few days if your pregnancy test does not show you as pregnant. If you still believe you might be pregnant, take another pregnancy test. Call your doctor to schedule a blood test.

What can affect the results of a home pregnancy test?

Yes. False-positive results can occur if you are taking medicine containing the pregnancy hormone hCG. False positives are when your test results say you are pregnant, but you are not.

Certain medicines that are hCG-enabled include those for infertility. You may need to consult your doctor if you take medicine to help get pregnant.

The results of a home pregnancy test should not be affected by any medicine. This applies to prescription and over-the-counter medicines, such as antibiotics and birth control. The results of pregnancy tests are not affected by alcohol or illegal drugs.

What are the pregnancy tests?

The pregnancy test detects the hormone hCG in the blood or urine. This hormone is only present in pregnant women. The pregnancy test will detect hCG and tell you if you are pregnant.

When a fertilized egg implants into the uterus, hCG is produced. This happens approximately 10 days after conception (when the woman’s sperm fertilizes her egg). With each day that passes, your body’s levels of hCG increase rapidly.

If you do not take a home pregnancy test soon after implantation, your level of hCG may not be sufficient to detect pregnancy. You can take another pregnancy test if the test does not show that you are pregnant.

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Reviewed 2/2/2021

Understanding Your Monthly Cycle

If you are interested in becoming pregnant, understanding your menstrual cycle will help increase your chances of getting pregnant. The first day of menstrual periods (or menstrual period) is the beginning of your menstrual cycle. The body releases hormones to encourage maturation of eggs within the follicles of ovaries. These hormones stimulate the growth of fertilized eggs from the second to the 14th day. These are known as the follicular phase of the menstrual cycles.

What happens during ovulation

Ovulation (or the release of an egg) usually happens between the 11th to 21st days of a cycle. A surge in hormone luteinizinghormone (LH), triggers ovulation. To facilitate the progression of sperm towards the egg, the cervical mucus becomes more flexible and slippery like egg whites. Average menstrual cycles last 28-32 days.

Timing is Everything

Females are born with approximately 1 to 2 millions eggs. Only 300 to 400 eggs will be released by ovulation over a woman’s life. One egg is usually released with each menstrual cycle. The egg is released into the Fallopian tube, where it travels to the uterus. The egg can live from 12 to 24 hours to be released, while sperm can last for up to 3 to 5 days. You can plan sex with your partner by knowing when you are due for ovulation.

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