Congratulations! You are now pregnant. Every woman is blessed with the gift of pregnancy. There are many changes in your life and body after becoming pregnant. You are now ready to embark on the journey of parenthood. Many women who are pregnant for the first time are anxious and scared because they don’t know much about pregnancy. Today, we will tell you all about the stages of pregnancy.
This article will help you understand the stages of pregnancy. You all know that pregnancy lasts 9 months. But what about the 9 months between you and your baby? They are divided into three trimesters.
- First Trimester (week 1- week 12) First 3 Months.
- Second Trimester (weeks 13-28) 4th to 6th month.
- Third Trimester (week 29 – 40), 7th to 9th month
The average pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. This includes the time from your last period. This article will tell you everything that happened to your baby and you during those nine months. You will be able to see what happens during your pregnancy and when. Enjoy your pregnancy.
From Beginning to End:
- First Trimester: Week 1 to Week 12.
This is your first trimester. Many women worry about their body image during pregnancy. Your first trimester represents a time of greatest emotional and physical change for you and your baby. While you may be able to recognize that you are pregnant immediately, most women won’t know until at least week four or five. This is why many women plan to have children.
Your body experiences intense changes during the first trimester. You may experience symptoms such as fatigue, urination problems, nausea, and breast variations in the first trimester. Hormonal alterations can affect every organ in your body. These hormonal variations can cause symptoms to appear even during the first weeks of pregnancy. It is clear that your period has stopped. You may also notice:
- Great tiredness.
- Distressed stomach (morning sickness)
- Headache.
- Inflamed, tender breasts. You might notice that your nipples stick out.
- Dislikes solid food.
- Constipation (trouble having bowel activities)
- Mood swings.
- Heartburn.
- Weight gain/loss.
- It is essential to pass urine more often.
Your body may change and you might need to make some changes in your daily routine. As your pregnancy progresses, the majority of these discomforts will disappear. Some women may not feel any distress at the all. You might feel different if you’ve ever been pregnant before. Each pregnancy is unique, just like every woman.
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Developing Baby:
At 4 Weeks-
- The brain and spinal cord of your baby have begun to form.
- Look at the arm and leg buds.
- Your baby, currently an embryo, is one-twenty fiveth of an inch in length.
- From the heart, comes form.
At 8 Weeks-
- The baby’s heart beats in a steady rhythm.
- The eyelids and skin have been shaped by the stimulation of the eyes.
- Gender organs form.
- The umbilical chord is clearly visible.
- As the arms and legs grow longer, fingers and toes form.
- All major organs and structures of the outer body have begun to form.
- Your baby will appear more human at the end of eight weeks. Your baby measures approximately 1 inch in length and weighs less that one-eighth of an ounce.
At 12 Weeks-
- To protect the developing eyes, keep your eyelids closed. They won’t open until the 28th week.
- Your baby’s gender is determined by the exterior gender organs. An ultrasound can be used to determine the gender of a baby if it is taken by a woman in her second trimester.
- Your baby’s head development has slowed and is now much longer. Your baby now weighs in at just 3 inches.
- Both muscles and nerves start to work together. A baby can make a fist.
Second Trimester: Week 13 to Week 27
Regularly, the second trimester has been deemed to be the most beneficial period of pregnancy. It is possible that you will notice that many of the side effects from the first trimester are now gone. You must also pledge to increase your happiness and well-being. You don’t have to carry the entire weight of a baby growing inside you, which can cause stress.
You’ll also notice changes in your body, including your digestion, your body shape, and your inhalation. Your baby will start to move during the second trimester. It is a great time to start preparing for baby. The second trimester of pregnancy is more relaxed for most women than the first. It is important to remain informed about your pregnancy throughout these months. It is possible that you will notice a decrease in symptoms such as fatigue and nausea. Other, more noticeable changes are happening to your body now. As the baby continues to grow, your abdomen will expand. These symptoms may also occur.
- Darkening the skin around your nipples.
- Numb or tingling hands, named carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Back, groin, thigh, and stomach pains.
- A line drawn on the skin that runs from the belly button to the pubic hairline.
- On the abdomen, palms and soles the feet.
- Puffy ankles, feet and fingers.
- Marks on your stomach, breasts, and thighs.
- Darker skin is usually covered over the forehead, cheeks, nose and upper lip. Sometimes, patches match on both the sides of the face. This is often called the “mask of pregnancy”.
Developing Baby:
* At 16 Weeks-
- The origin of skin is from the form. It is possible to see right through it.
- Your baby grows to about 4 to 5 inches in length and weighs almost 3 ounces.
- Muscle tissue, bone and muscle endure to form, creating a more complete skeleton.
- Your baby uses the sucking reflex to get you to eat.
- Your baby’s stomach is where meconium develops. This is your baby’s main bowel movement.
* At 20 Weeks-
- Shapes can be made in the eyebrows, toenails, fingernails and eyelashes. Even your baby can scratch itself.
- Baby can hear and swallow.
- Your baby is more active There might be slight fluttering.
- The baby is protected by lanugo, a fine, downy hair and vernix, a waxy covering. This protects the skin underneath.
- Halfway through your pregnancy, your baby measures approximately 6 inches in length and weighs around 9 ounces.
* At 24 Weeks-
- The lungs have been formed but they do not function.
- Your baby wakes up and sleeps often.
- Hair grows on the head of your baby.
- Develop hand and startle responses.
Your baby has gained a lot of weight and stored fat. Your baby now weighs approximately 1 1/2 pounds at 12 inches.
- Your baby’s taste buds develop on his or her tongue.
- Bone Marrow stimulates the formation of blood cells.
- Fingerprints and footprints have been taken.
- If your baby is a male, the transfer of the stomach to the scrotum will be initiated by his testicles. If your baby is a boy, his testicles instigate the transfer from the stomach into the scrotum.
What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy
- Third Trimester: Week 28 – Birth
You may feel a combination of excitement as your baby is near, and a growing desire to speed things up. You will feel a variety of symptoms that are related to your growing weight. Your uterus, once weighing 50 grams, now carries your baby, your placenta, and as much as a liter amniotic fluid. It is no surprise that you feel uncomfortable.
You’re in the home stretch! You will still have some of the anxieties that you experienced in your second trimester. Many women also find inhalation difficult and have to use the toilet more often. The baby is growing and putting more pressure on your organs. These problems are temporary and will disappear once your baby is born. There are also many changes that can occur in your body. These are the ones you should be aware of.
- Concern sleeping.
- A baby dropping, or feeling inferior in your stomach.
- Speed of breathing.
- Your tummy button may stick out.
- Hemorrhoids
- Reductions can be used to indicate real or fake labour.
- Tender breasts that may leak watery premilk called colostrum.
- The swelling of the feet, ankles, and fingers. Call your doctor immediately if you experience any sudden or dangerous swelling, or if you gain weight quickly. This could be preeclampsia.
- Solidity, reductions and a demonstration are the main signs of labour. When the mucus in your cervix is absent, it’s called a demonstration.
When you get close to your due date, for example, your cervix becomes thinner and more flexible. This is known as obliterating. This is a common, normal process that exposes the vagina or birth canal during the sequence of birthing. As you get closer to your due date, your doctor will perform a vaginal examination to determine your progress. Enjoy the last countdown!
Developing Baby:
* At 32 Weeks-
- The body of your baby activates dynamic stocks minerals like iron and calcium.
- The eyes are able to open and close, and can sense changes in the light.
- Lanugo starts to fall off.
- Although the lungs aren’t fully formed, they do allow for breathing activities.
- Your baby is rapidly gaining weight, approximately one-half pound per week. Your baby currently measures approximately 15 to 17 inches in length and weighs 4 to 4 1/2 lbs.
- The bones of your baby are fully formed, but very soft.
- Your baby’s jabs and kicks are strong.
* At 36 Weeks-
- A baby’s height is approximately 16 to 19 inches and their weight is 6 to 6 1/2 lbs.
- The body’s fat is on the rise. Your baby is growing faster and will require more space. Although movements are not as forceful as before, you will still feel the wiggles and stretching.
- Vernix, the protective waxy coating that protects your skin, gets thicker.
* At Weeks 37-40-
- Your baby will be fully term at the end of 37 weeks. Your baby’s body is ready to function independently.
- Your baby could become “present” head down as you approach your due date. Most children “present” head down.
- Your baby’s weight at birth can range from 6 to 9 pounds and 9 to 9 pounds and 19 to 21 inches in length.
- These ranges are the maximum for full-term babies. Strong babies can come in many sizes.
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Pregnancy Weight Gain:
Weight gain is a normal part of pregnancy. However, the exact amount varies from one woman to another. Your first choice will be made by your midwife. Talk to your doctor or midwife if you have concerns about your weight loss. Your doctor or midwife will be able to tell you if it is too little or too much for you and your baby.
It is different from receiving fat during pregnancy. You must prepare for the extra weight:
- The amniotic liquid, the developing baby and the placenta.
- Your womb and breast development
- Increased blood flow in your body.
- Vital fat stores.
- Water retention.
This is all about the stages of pregnancy. I hope that you find this information useful and enjoyable.