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It’s a joyous and exciting time, filled with anticipation and planning for your baby’s future. You may also have questions and concerns. Pregnancy can bring about many changes in your body as well as the health of your baby. It’s crucial to be healthy during pregnancy and to work with your doctor to determine the best treatment.

This section contains general guidelines to help you stay healthy during pregnancy. It also includes information about what you can expect for each of your three trimesters.

The First Trimester

Your baby’s development will depend on a healthy first trimester. Although you may not see much yet on the outside, your baby is developing its major organs and systems on the inside.

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Second Trimester

Your baby and you will experience a major turning point in the second trimester. You will feel more positive and begin to show your pregnancy. Your baby is now fully developed and will start growing in terms of length and weight.

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The Third Trimester

As you get ready for your baby’s arrival, the third trimester is the final stretch. Your baby will continue growing in length and weight.

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Common Tests During Pregnancy

Your doctor may recommend a range of screenings and imaging techniques throughout your pregnancy.

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Nutrition During Pregnancy

Learn the best foods to eat for a healthy pregnancy.

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Exercise During Pregnancy

Regular exercise can reduce pregnancy discomforts and aid in postpartum recovery.

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Pregnancy and Medical Conditions

Complications can be caused by pre-existing medical conditions or pregnancy-related conditions. These complications can be managed by your health care provider.

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Management and Care of Multiple Pregnancies

Twins, triplets and higher-order multiples can require different nutrition and delivery methods.

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The labor process is a series continuous, progressive contractions in the uterus that leads to the birth of your baby.

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