Could you be pregnant? The pregnancy test is the proof. Even if you don’t miss a period, it is possible to suspect or hope that you are pregnant. Learn the signs and symptoms that indicate pregnancy, and how they happen.
The classic signs and symptoms that indicate pregnancy
These are the most obvious signs and symptoms of early pregnancy.
- Missed period. This is a sign that you may be pregnant if you are in your childbearing year and have not had a normal menstrual cycle for at least a week. If you have irregular menstrual cycles, this can be misleading.
- Tender, swelling breasts. As your body adjusts to hormonal changes, the discomfort will likely diminish over time.
- You may experience nausea with or without vomiting. Morning sick often starts one to two months after becoming pregnant. Some women experience nausea sooner than others, while some do not feel it at all. Although it is not clear what causes nausea in pregnancy, hormones during pregnancy are likely to play a part.
- You may notice a rise in urination. Your body’s blood volume increases during pregnancy. This causes your kidneys and bladder to filter more fluid.
- Fatigue is a common early sign of pregnancy. It is not known what causes sleepiness in the first trimester. Fatigue could be caused by a rapid increase in hormone progesterone levels in early pregnancy.
Other signs, symptoms and signs of pregnancy
There are other signs and symptoms that may be less obvious during pregnancy.
- Moodiness. Early pregnancy can cause you to feel irritable and depressed. Also, mood swings are quite common.
- Bloating. Early pregnancy hormones can make you feel bloated.
- You might notice light spotting. This is a sign that you are pregnant. It is also known as implantation bleeding. This happens when the fertilized eggs attach to the uterus line. This usually occurs between 10 and 14 days after conception. Implantation bleeding happens around the same time as a period. It is not common for all women to experience it.
- Cramping. Some pregnant women experience mild uterine cramping during pregnancy.
- Constipation. The effects of hormonal changes on your digestive system can cause it to slow down and lead to constipation.
- Food aversions. You might be more sensitive to certain smells and your senses of taste may change when you are pregnant. These food preferences, like many other symptoms of pregnancy, can be attributed to hormonal changes.
- Nasal congestion can be caused by an increase in hormone levels or blood production. Your nose’s mucous membranes may swell, dry out, and bleed easily. You might experience a stuffy, runny nose.
Are your really pregnant?
These symptoms and signs aren’t just for pregnant women. These symptoms can be signs that you are getting sick, or that your period may soon begin. You can also be pregnant even if you don’t experience many of these symptoms.
If you have missed a period or notice any of the symptoms above, it is a good idea to take a home pregnancy test. Your health care provider should be contacted if your home pregnancy test comes back positive. Prenatal care can be started as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed.
Prenatal vitamins are recommended for anyone who is pregnant or planning to conceive. Prenatal vitamins are often rich in important vitamins and minerals such as iron and folic acid to help support baby’s growth.