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  • Your employer must conduct a risk assessment about your job. This is done to determine if your job poses any dangers to your baby or yourself.Some risks can’t be avoided at work in some cases. Your employer should adjust your work hours and working conditions if this is the case. They must offer you alternative work if this is impossible.

    Your employer must provide you with health and safety leave if they are unable to find you suitable work.

    Work hours

    It is not recommended to work more than 40 hours per semaine, especially during your third trimester.

    Night shifts

    It is not known if working nights is harmful for pregnant women. Talk to your obstetrician or GP if you have trouble coping.

    Your doctor or obstetrician may give you a medical clearance stating that nighttime work could be dangerous to your health. Your employer must then find you daytime work.

    Your employer must grant you leave as an employee, including safety and health leave.


    Pregnancy appointments and some antenatal classes are covered by paid time off.

    Fathers may also be eligible for paid time off to attend the antenatal classes.

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